Calculating Price Based on Desired Margin or Percentage of Retail

To calculate the Our Price, Minimum Price, Price A, Price B or Price C according to a desired margin or a percentage of the Retail Price, press the F6 key on your keyboard in the applicable box.  The Calculate New Price box as pictured here will open:

To base the price on a desired margin, enter the percentage of margin in decimal format in the 'Based on Desired Margin' box.  The "Calculate New Price" box will then close and the calculated price will appear in the applicable price field.

To base the price on a percentage of retail, enter the percentage in decimal format in the 'Based on Percent of Retail' box.  The "Calculate New Price" box will then close and the calculated price will appear in the applicable price field.

To remove the "Calculate New Price" box from the screen, press the Esc key on your keyboard.